Cloud Migration

Preparing for disruption is crucial to your company’s continued success.
Program and Project Management
cloud migration

Migrating to the cloud is the best way to create redundancy within your system architecture.

Of all the reasons to migrate applications, systems, and infrastructure to the cloud, achieving redundancy in anticipation of disruption is by far the most important. Despite these benefits, there are still significant challenges that your organization may face before and during the migration process.

For example, your stakeholders may insist that you migrate archived and legacy data found in numerous digital landfills or expect that existing business processes will stay precisely the same with no interruptions. Not to mention the limitation on customizations when using a public cloud.

Managing cloud migration expectations is the key to success and reaping the benefits of lower operating costs.

Your stakeholders need to understand how cloud migration will impact their day-to-day activities and what steps will reduce the risk of interruptions. One of the best tools you can have in your arsenal when it comes to complex migrations is having an experienced Project Manager. A resource that is dedicated to supporting your internal change management and readiness activities.

It’s about more than just informing your stakeholders of the change; they also need to know what they should or can do, and understand why cloud migration will benefit the organization as a whole. Aside from this, a good project manager will also provide a clearly defined approach for evaluating potential vendors for selection and working with different IT disciplines.

Smart Tip: Try to assess the impact of moving to the cloud before you start the vendor selection process to better understand the scope of work and impact on business activity.


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