Corporate Systems

They require multiple IT disciplines from system integration to system development.

Program and Project Management
corporate systems

Managing corporate systems takes an enterprise approach to deliver maximum results.

Core business systems in IT come with complexities that require careful attention, monitoring, and adaptability. These systems are always updating, integrating, migrating, or even decommissioning across the enterprise. Some organizations use a well-defined portfolio management approach to monitor and fine-tune their assets; others take a more organic approach to care and feeding.

This complex mix of managed services, systems integrators, and consultants regularly exchanges information to reduce outages and run smoothly. The day-to-day activities may leave little time for strategic planning and managing special projects.

Augmenting your existing PMO or IT team with skilled resources will increase your bandwidth to support special projects.

SmartGig IT has valuable experience in multiple industries and sectors, and we understand the endless nuances and complexities of corporate systems. Common challenges include:

  • Approval to use new technology.
  • Prioritizing system updates.
  • Large-scale system Implementation.

Our collaborative approach ensures regular communication with stakeholder groups and external resources to get the best outcome.

We are committed to delivering top-notch project outcomes through a disciplined project management practices and industry standards. When the time for system replacement comes, we can work with you to implement resilient and agile solutions that grow with your business.

Smart Tip: Reduce your infrastructure and system maintenance workload by exploring cloud-based solutions and software as a service.


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