IT Strategy Planning

Strategy provides a roadmap to achieve your business objectives.

Program and Project Management
Program and Project Management
IT strategy-and-planning

Develop your IT strategy to support your business goals, and use tactics for executing your plan.

More than 75% of today’s IT organizations design and conduct long-term planning for IT strategy development. It is a crucial practice in IT, used to define priorities and allocate investments. By identifying key priorities, an organization can determine the necessary checks and balances needed to align projects with business goals and objectives.

There is nothing worse than finding out that you’re recent IT spend does not achieve your desired results. Using traditional project management, you wait until the project’s end to see the final deliverable. More recently, organizations are readily open to agile principles and practices to evaluate the benefit of a solution quickly. Agile methods can come in the form of a proof of concept or trial run to confirm whether the product or service is likely to meet your business needs.

Focusing on the why ensure programs and projects align with your strategic objectives.

Smart Gig IT works with you to implement those necessary controls; this can take the form of using a business case and vetting process for proposed projects. Revisiting previously approved projects that no longer fit with critical priorities can save money and effort. You might include implementing a PMO to map benefits realization to IT spend and optimize enterprise resource utilization.

We pride ourselves on taking a collaborative approach with internal IT, system integrators, and stakeholders to check early and often that projects deliver their intended value. We work closely with your PMO to support benefits realization and ensure projects align with strategic objectives.

SmartTip: Look for ways to build an agile strategy that can quickly adapt to new opportunities.


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