Program Management

Manage the risk, impact, and interdependency associated with multiple projects for large scale ERP implementations.

Program and Project Management
Program Management

Mapping benefits realization is a big part of program management to align spend with goals.

Building a program management plan for multiple competing priorities shines a bright light on the decision-making process. A program plan can help you determine where to spend your time, money, and resources. The program contains the criteria for determining whether an IT project will meet the organization’s overall goals. Sponsors generally use a business case to justify why a project is needed and the expected outcome.

The design of a program plan should focus on resolving the challenge of shared resources, budgeting s and scheduling for even the most complex strategic initiatives. Working closely with functional groups to plan resource availability and deliverables can reduce the risk of juggling competing priorities.

Keep track of where your money and resources are going when implementing large complex systems.

Sequencing projects, vendors, and implementation as part of a carefully developed IT program will improve project delivery and benefits realization. A well-defined program provides key stakeholders with an opportunity to prioritize projects.

Smart Gig IT has years of experience in IT program management, and we have worked with program managers across numerous industries. We understand the challenge of managing the risks, impacts, and interdependencies associated with IT programs. Our goal is to help you create links between programs and projects that achieve your overall strategic objectives and maximize your IT spend.

SmartTip: Use program management to help prioritize spend with the most significant returns.


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