Virtual PMO

Improve accountability, build governance, and boost confidence around your project delivery capability.

Program and Project Management
virtual pmo

A virtual PMO provides the flexibility to have dedicated resources and tools for a specific project.

Building your own in-house project management office is costly and time-consuming. Many organizations choose to set up a project-specific PMO to centralize monitoring, control, and execution of large-scale initiatives. A virtual PMO can provide the tools and resources needed to support successful project delivery with manageable costs.

The benefit is a solution designed for your unique program and project needs using easy to configure cloud solutions and existing project team members where possible. When you have to source talent, a virtual PMO provides the most flexibility to manage remote and on-premises team members.

Outsourcing your PMO is another option that brings agility and quality when there is insufficient internal expertise or desire to build the capability in house. You can scale your PMO size up or down and negotiate the terms and duration of the engagement to suit your business needs.

Cloud based solutions provide a wealth of options for short term PMO solutions.

The landscape for cloud-based PMO tools is extensive, with industry-specific platforms covering everything from scheduling to real-time collaboration and field support. The infrastructure, technical support, and 24/7 availability come standard in most licenses, significantly lowering your up-front cost.

Whether you need enterprise-level resource management or have just a few team members, Smart Gig IT has the professional experience to help you set up a virtual project management office.

SmartTip: Ensure you have a process for collecting artifacts once you decommission the PMO.


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